Little Poster with a quote

A little poster! I love it, it's so cute!
I began with drawing a slanted pen(It's a black (Dollar) pointer, my favorite pen for drawing and writing(Btw, The outlook of the pen has changed recently, it's body is now black and the cap is silver, I couldn't do that).
 After that I drew a stick figure balanced on the pen. I added details, drew on the clothes. Then I drew the bubble on top. I couldn't decide on what to draw, first I drew some random doodles on it, but that looked a bit weird.
 I decided to write the word 'ideas' in it, because ideas are the root of all drawings. It seemed weird then but with the awesome typography and the sparkly stars it looked unusually good.(It's just that the letter 'S' was yellow so it blended too much with the stars. It would have looked better with green). I coloured everything in and then wrote the quote I just made up. XD  I wrote my name with purple because it's my favorite color.
It looks great, doesn't it?
Btw, my previous sketch book had filled up, and I took a new one for this drawing. Now I have a new art pad maybe I'll draw more often, because new notebooks/sketch pads always spark more drawings! XD


  1. Aw this is so cute!! 8D You've drawn the girl so perfectly! Those colours are so vibrant! :D And woah, you nailed it on the typography! Not to mention, I love the quote so much! Drawing really is like a riding pen... you've given me a new perspective of it! Where do you get these wonderful ideas from? XD
    LOL, two things:
    1) purple is also my favourite colour!
    2) I've also filled up my art book. XD
    This looks amazing! Keep drawing! :D

  2. Thanks!
    Btw, it's so silly where I got this idea from.... But I'll tell you anyways. There was an innovative little sketch on the corner of my English notebook, of a person riding a pen. My sister decided to draw it(complete with details) but it looked awful. I decided to do one myself, which surprisingly turned out well.
    But that doesn't matter. You can be inspired by anything!!! XD
    Oh really? (By the way, I haven't yet done anything else in my art book up till now. When I feel a surge of creativity I simply work some more on the novel I'm writing)

    1. You're welcome! Haha that's awesome! It's nice that you can get great inspiration from small things. :D LOL, same! Some days I feel like drawing loads and others I don't feel like doing anything. XD That's great! You should continue writing your story! Maybe one day you'll have a book published. :D
      That's a great technique for typography too! Thanks for telling me! :) You're really welcome!

  3. And the typography was a piece of cake. I only wrote the letters(like block letters), and then traced over them with pointers of different colors. I highlighted some points by tracing over lines to thicken them.
    But I guess it looks good. Thanks!


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