I started this painting around two months back. There was a canvas on which my brother had started painting something with black-I don't remember what exactly-but he hadn't finished it(and did not intend to do that in the future, either). I asked him if he wanted to complete the painting,and he said no, so I took the canvas from him. Then I sketched this mosque on it, and the next day I painted the background with black oil paint, and filled in the little windows with black marker. I decided that I would paint the mosque in white, but, sadly, I had run out of white oil paint, and so I had to wait until our next trip to an art store...
This is what it looked like then... |
I forgot to buy the paint when we went shopping for art supplies next time, and so I had to wait until our next trip to the art store. This time when I asked for white oil paint, they said it was out of stock! I had almost given up hope when I saw a tube of silver oil paint. I decided to paint the mosque silver instead of white, and bought the paint. However, when I began painting with the silver, I discovered that it was sort of transparent. I experimented with adding a bit of black to make a grayish-silver colour. I decided that it looked okay, and painted the mosque with it. The results were satisfactory. I also added a crescent moon and stars on my mom's suggestion.
...And this is what it looks like now. |
I love the tone on the buildings that you've created. It's lovely and subtle but just enough to create dimension! :D
Zainab, this is magnificent!! I love how you've shown the work-in-progress; there's such a great contrast between the two. This is such a fantastic way of re-using a canvas to create your own painting and the result is so magical! The silvery touch you added using the silver paint in the final version brings out the form of the architecture beautifully! Not to mention, the stars and crescent moon are an exquisite addition to the night sky! Did you use a reference in the making of this or was it entirely from your imagination? It's excellent! <3
ReplyDelete(We haven't talked in so long btw! xD I've finally finished my exams so I'm able to come on Blogger more often now. How are things going from your side? :D)
Thanks so much Kenza-I'm glad you're back!
DeleteI used a reference for the mosque, yup(it was an illustration on a magazine cover) but I altered some details.
I'm just fine-haven't been active on Blogger during Ramadan but I will be posting more stuff on my blogs soon, Insha Allah(especially on my Writing blog). I was also preparing for my O levels examinations-Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat, which are both compulsory subjects- in the Oct-Nov session this year(I was unable to study during Ramadan but intend to continue my studies now its over). I've also started writing a graphic novel-I've done only five pages yet and I'm stuck-(maybe I'll post something about it here).
You're super welcome!
DeleteThat's an interesting source of inspiration! I'm sometimes inspired by what I find in magazines and their cover art too. :D
That's great, I'm looking forward to seeing your new posts and best of luck with your studies, I know you can do it! ^^ A graphic novel? Wow, that sounds super cool! I can't wait to see how it's going!