I started this painting around two months back. There was a canvas on which my brother had started painting something with black-I don't remember what exactly-but he hadn't finished it(and did not intend to do that in the future, either). I asked him if he wanted to complete the painting,and he said no, so I took the canvas from him. Then I sketched this mosque on it, and the next day I painted the background with black oil paint, and filled in the little windows with black marker. I decided that I would paint the mosque in white, but, sadly, I had run out of white oil paint, and so I had to wait until our next trip to an art store... This is what it looked like then... I forgot to buy the paint when we went shopping for art supplies next time, and so I had to wait until our next trip to the art store. This time when I asked for white oil paint, they said it was out of stock! I had almost given up hope when I saw a tube of silver oil paint. I decided to paint the mosque...