Play dough Things

Hi Viewers!!! Sorry for not posting! I was out of city and returned a few days ago- and before that, well, I'm working on an Animation project on Scratch and I didn't have time for blogging.
Anyways, here are things made out of Play dough. I made them Yesterday. 
Here they are!!!

A pair of slippers on the mat

A dress and a hanger

 Cute Cutlery
That's all. Sorry-the photos aren't very clear- because I didn't have a Camera available and snapped them from my Mom's mobile phone. 



  1. Zainab nice cutlery nice dress and a hanger and nice pair of slppers on a mat .

  2. Zainab nice cutlery nice dress and a hanger and nice pair of slppers on a mat .

  3. Do you have a Scratch account? Mine is LemonyLemon14.


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