Collage: Online Identity vs. Identity IRL

A couple of months ago I attended a two-week summer program at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture in Karachi. The program was titled Crossover , and was aimed at students aged 15 and above. (My sister Fatima , who also attended these two courses alongside me and my brother , wrote a descriptive piece about the whole experience which you can check out here .) One of the assignments in the second week of the course - which was titled Media Crossings , and covered themes connected to social media, filmmaking and new media/post-internet art among others - was this thing which I am posting here. The task was to think about ourselves and our identities; both online as well as in real life, and then to create an art piece that acts as a portal between the two. Although I don't think the piece I created does that very well (I think what I did made the contrast more obvious instead of bridging the difference), here's the result anyway. The face ...